

What is the price of a gram of Gold?

The price of the gram of fine gold is set daily in the international markets, depending on the existing supply and demand around the world.

Where are the VALORES agencies located?

Distributed throughout the country, we try to be as close as possible to our customers. For a more accurate identification of the store closest to you, visit the branches section.

What is the 1st step to open a VALORES branch?

Get in touch with our Expansion department – Tel: 808 256 737

What is the initial value of the VALORES Franchising?

From €29,900 + VAT.

What is included in the initial value of the VALORES Franchising?

Values franchising has the characteristic of presenting itself as a “Turnkey” solution, therefore, it is included in the initial value: Training, Store Decoration, Furniture, Computer, Software, Multifunction Printer, Mini Laboratory, Safe, CCTV and Balance.

What is the Franchisee’s responsibility when joining the VALORES Franchising?

Location (recommended area of 20m2) with a large number of people, acquisition of the franchise as described above, 1 landline telephone, internet connection, alarm connected to the central, work accident insurance, salary, social security for employees (if applicable), works on site, multi-risk insurance, fees and licenses for external claims, assay office, etc.

What is the period between signing the contract and opening the store?

In what depends on Valores (training and installation of the store) we guarantee a maximum period of 30 days.


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